Situated just in the heart of the hinterland of Romagna, Santarcangelo is one of the most picturesque villages of the surrounding area and boasts charming century-old history, tradition and culture; a traditional gathering place, all over the centuries it has undergone important evolutions. Santarcangelo hosts a remarkably wide array of absorbing events, such as the festivals of San Michele and San Martino, both based on animals, gastronomy and trade. It also gathers important historic monuments, such as churches, the Malatesta Fortress, numerous caves and the Museo Etnografico Usi e Costumi della Gente di Romagna (Ethnographic Museum of Usages and Customes of People of Romagna), which provides tourists interesting information on local culture.
San Leo

San Leo is an ancient medieval village situated on the top of Mount Feliciano, one of the sheerest cliffs of the Apennines. It is named after Saint Lio, who chose this rock spur as his residence and a productive stone quarry. Since the third century, both the village and its fortress have become an important point of reference for the Christianization of Romagna. San Leo was the cause of fierce fighting between Goths and Byzantines, the capital of the Montefeltro and the ambitious aim of the French army headed by Napoleone Bonaparte. All over history, the fortress has stood out as one of the most inexpugnable bulwarks in the world. San Leo Castle cherishes interesting memorabilia and historical finds which offer visitors an insight into the medieval history of Romagna.
Situated halfway between the Conca Valley of Emilia-Romagna and the Foglia Valley of the Marches, Montegridolfo has been a transit region since the Middle Ages, thus standing out as the main cause of the fierce fighting between the most important ruling families of that age: Malatesta and Montefeltro. Because of the numerous fights it hosted, Montegridolfo's village was given a keep (tower reinforcement) and impressive walls in order to protect local inhabitants. Its well-preserved old town gathering charming medieval buildings and the extensive renovation works which were carried out here make Montegridolfo a fascinating village; it is also renowned all over Italy for the ancient oil tradition it retains.
San Marino
The small Republic of San Marino, which was founded in the late 301 A.D., has gathered more than 1700 years of freedom, democracy and independence. Surrounded by an hilly landscape, its charming old town commanding the top of Mount Titano is still permeated with medieval fascination. The fortress gathers interesting museums, castles and walls and is a traditional tourist mecca for both Italian and foreign tourists. San Marino boasts ancient traditions based on the charming medieval history of its Republic, as well as traditional folk festivals and excellent local staples. Notwithstanding its small size, San Marino plays a fundamental role in the international panorama and was even appointed UNESCO Human Heritage.

Situated on the top of the rolling hills commanding Cattolica and Gabicce, Gradara is a charming village which still retains medieval fascination; its city centre is dominated by the impressive local Fortress, an imposing building which was once used as a defensive bulwark. Sheltered by impressive walls, it offered inhabitants protection and the possibility to keep an eye on the surrounding area. During the Middle Ages, the castle was the residence of the Malatesta family from Rimini. Legend has it that Gradara's Fortress was the backdrop to the tragic love story of Paolo and Francesca, celebrated by Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy.

Verucchio, a charming village situated just in the heart of the hinterland of Rimini, was founded by the Etruscans between the XIth and VIth century B.C.; ancient settlements left a remarkably wide array of finds and buildings which have recently been unearthed in the surrounding areas. It is a traditional tourist mecca for historians looking for more detailed information. Verucchio still retains genuine music and food and wine traditions, such as Verucchio Festival, Fiera de Quatorg and Fira de Bagoin.